Did you think that this was about good food, drink and music?  

No, this is about that other Party, the political kind.


Your Party has promised to deliver all that you so hope to make your life better.  Sounds great!  However, be aware that being a member or participant in a Party gets your guard up, then causes strife and division among other non-believers.  Sound fun?


In the United States, the two prominent Parties are the only ones that matter.   Sorry, Third Party members, you literally have no chance.  Why?  Because the media's primary focus is on the Democrats or Republicans, and Third Parties don't usually get invited to the Debates either. If a poll was taken right now, it's highly probable that the majority of people couldn't even name a Third-Party candidate let alone several of the Parties.  

Oh look, even Wikipedia mentions only 2 U.S. parties:  Political Parties By Country

Darn right discouraging to be a member of the Libertarian, Green or Constitutional Party and it's meant that way.  Allow me to explain. The 2-party system is controlled by BIG $.  Behind the scenes it's one big party, but the public is presented with two.  Prove it you say!  Perhaps you're not familiar with how the Divide & Conquer agenda works. The more people are divided, the easier they are to control. Sorry to burst your bubble.  People are presented the illusion of choice, when the selection has already been decided well in advance by the BIG $ controllers.  It's been documented that every President has a bloodline that ties back to the same families who have been running the show all along
The promises may sound different each time around, yet actions speaker louder than words.  Any President who steps out of line ends up dead.  Just like a mob member.  Which brings up the correlation between how the government and the mob are operated.  Both have a boss and their dutiful accomplices.  Plus, they always do what's in the best interest for the "family" or BIG $ supporters.


Everyone can't be in on this, because the government is too big and someone would expose this.  How do things stay in check?  Get all participants compromised or decompartmentalized positions otherwise swiftly remove all dissenters.  Also, NEVER, ever sway from the "official narrative".  Now if anything gets out of hand, the blame is put onto conspiracy theorists, anarchists, or anything they deem to be a fanatical viewpoint.

Conspiracy theorists - someone who dares to challenge the "official narrative".   
Anarchist - someone who advocates for no rulers.


So, how is this possible?  Who do you think owns and operates the media?   Repetitive propaganda is the Controller's dearest ally.  
Democracy is continuously sold as wonderful, yet that means ruled by (m)asses.  There is no consensus, the majority wins even by the slimmest of margins. Democracy is the anti-thesis to true freedom. 

Need a stiff drink now or are you ready for the solution to this party play ?

You've always had the power, you just had to learn it for yourself. 


The summary of this book written nearly 500 years ago says it all. The Politics of Obedience


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